


You teach them responsibility by entrusting them with these devices.

You teach them teamwork by taking them away at night and storing them in your room.

My dad kept the computer locked and monitored (and only used when under direct supervision), an intolerable situation to which my little brother and I reacted with gusto. We set up a camera to get the password, coded password guessers, bootcamped a Mac to allow us to use an entirely different system, and figured out various ways to avoid logging internet activity, logins, and even the hidden camera my dad set up. He would discover our new hack and put even more restrictions (he is very computer literate), and we would crack it again. We learned computer security just because my dad didn’t want us to.

I breezed through AP comp sci into a tech field. Ironically, I was introduced to porn because I was looking for another bypass and stumbled into a BDSM site so I can also blame my dad for me being a freaky ho.


The point of voting blue in 2018 isn’t to make the US perfect. We cannot accomplish that in one fell swoop. There’s gerrymandering, voter apathy, voter suppression, and generations of older party-line fucks we have to deal with.

Voting blue in 2018 is to make it less immediately threatening for PoC, LGBT+ people, the disabled, and any other marginalized demographic. It’s a stopgap against Republicans who are aligned with Nazis, white supremacists, and sexual abusers.

Correcting politics in the United States is going to take decades of new voters staying on top of politics and not falling prey to apathy, like our predecessors. 

People telling you not to waste a vote on 3rd Party this midterm aren’t saying “never vote 3rd party.” Republicans have united behind one utterly heinous front. We need to unite behind Democrats, for the time being.




You know, I think it’s actually really fitting that the vice president used a fake rabbi to express his fake concern for our lives.

He did? Are you sure?

Absolutely. The so-called ‘rabbi’ that spoke on behalf of Pence at his rally is actually a Christian missionary. He belongs to a movement that appropriates Jewish culture and tradition in order to make Christianity more palatable to us and to trick vulnerable people into believing that accepting Christ is compatible with Judaism.

He believes that Jews who do not accept Christ as the son of G-d will suffer eternal hellfire upon death.

Incidentally, most so-called ‘Messianic Jews’ have no connection with the actual Jewish people. The core of this movement is made up of people who come from movements within Christianity that fetishize Jewish ritual as a way to get closer to how Jesus would have lived.

… ignoring the fact that the vast majority of modern Jewish ritual dates back to the early Diaspora which began after Jesus’ death.

In addition, Messianic ‘Judaism’ is also of central importance to the cultural appropriation of Judaism by Evangelical Christians who use Judaism as an ideological foundation for their own beliefs. The rub is that real Judaism is thoroughly unacceptable to your average Evangelical. It is this fundamental intolerance of authentic Judaism that forms the bedrock of the relationship between Evangelical Christianity and Messianic ‘Judaism’.

In other words, Mike Pence’s choice of ‘rabbi’ is a symptom of antisemitism.




ugh.I hate this so much… leaving aside the fact that “the centre” is a statistical fiction and not an actual position, say you just want to argue that compulsory voting makes political parties reflect the majority views of Australians (a common assumption) – there’s really no evidence for it.

For example – Australia is one of the most pro-choice countries on earth, has been for ages, massive support for legal abortions from voters of all parties. In New South Wales abortion is illegal unless a doctor says there’s a threat to the mother’s life – and that’s Australia’s most populous state, 7 and a half million people. Abortion has literally just been decriminalised in Queensland, comes into effect in December.

The majority of Australians supported marriage equality in every poll since 2007, compulsory voting didn’t stop politicians ignoring “the centre” for ten full years on that one.

The majority of Australians are opposed to privatisation, has compulsory voting stopped every single government, regardless which party is in power, pushing it through? Nope. Australians are actually in favour of re-nationalising a lot of things, and it’s not even a lefty thing, the majority of Liberal-National voters (the mainstream right wing party, current government) actually want to re-nationalise Telstra, the largest telecommunications company in Australia. Has compulsory voting made this prime patch of centre-ground real estate attractive to any party? Has it fuck

The average Australian is pro-euthanasia, they’d like the public transport system to be good (they’re all shite) they’re not up for massively subsidising the mining industry or bailing out banks. They believe in climate change – up until 2015 we had a prime minister who thought climate change is “probably doing good” for the planet – did compulsory voting save us from that wanker? nope

All compulsory voting does is allow them to manufacture a larger mandate for whatever shit they were going to do anyway. 

No amount of voting will ever make public opinion matter more than the various vested interests of the powerful, because politicians only need your support on election day – every other day they need the support of a bunch of rich and powerful scumbags and the institutional forces they command…which suits politicians fine, because they understand rich and powerful scumbags, that’s their mates, their colleagues, their school friends… they don’t need to do an opinion poll to know what plays well in that, their true and only constituency. They are fundamentally, permanently, constitutionally unable to actually give a fuck what you think – and compulsory voting makes that easier for them, not harder.


middle aged white man with trump maga van sends pipe bombs and anthrax to 13 prominent democratic politicians, donors, and media outlets.

middle aged white man who claims he ‘doesn’t shoot whites’ attempts to enter a black church for a massacre, fails, and murders two random black strangers in a grocery store.

white man yells ‘all jews must die!’ before entering a synagogue during shabbat and opening fire. the news is still breaking, but at least eight people are confirmed dead.

it’s been 48 hours.


The point of voting blue in 2018 isn’t to make the US perfect. We cannot accomplish that in one fell swoop. There’s gerrymandering, voter apathy, voter suppression, and generations of older party-line fucks we have to deal with.

Voting blue in 2018 is to make it less immediately threatening for PoC, LGBT+ people, the disabled, and any other marginalized demographic. It’s a stopgap against Republicans who are aligned with Nazis, white supremacists, and sexual abusers.

Correcting politics in the United States is going to take decades of new voters staying on top of politics and not falling prey to apathy, like our predecessors. 

People telling you not to waste a vote on 3rd Party this midterm aren’t saying “never vote 3rd party.” Republicans have united behind one utterly heinous front. We need to unite behind Democrats, for the time being.

Plus, historically, the only time a third party has gained power in the US has been when one of the two major parties is completely dominant. Then that party splits and the other party fades to obscurity. See the rise and fall of the Whigs.