
Social media interns and executives are literally paid to identify trends in online culture and exploit them to get you to reblog/retweet/or otherwise spread their brand name. This whole recent outbreak of brands becoming “woke” or pro-LGBT is nothing more than corporations adapting to the new social climate. It’s marketing, plain and simple. I know this may be hard to hear but please remember these corporations are NOT here for you (and arguably, never were). They, as always, simply want your money and attention.

Don’t screencap their posts. Don’t repost that epic clapback. Don’t spread their brand for them. It’s literally all part of their game.



I think now that we’re in 2017 we can stop villainizing the witch from Hänsel and Gretel. Some kids ate her house. She gets to eat them. It was a fair deal.

counterpoint: Hänsel and Gretel were led out into the woods to starve at the urging of their mother, so both parents don’t have to ration any more food for them during hard times. Hänsel and Gretel were underfed and desperate, and when life gives you a gingerbread house in that state, you eat the windowsill and the front stoop and every gumdrop you can find.

conclusion: if the witch prompted the children to explain themselves she’d realize it was ultimately parents’ neglect that led them to this point.

solution: eat the parents. everyone wins!

counterpoint: the parents didn’t have enough food to feed children because of wider societal forces that kept them from accessing food.

conclusion: scarcity leads people to do terrible things they’d never consider if their needs were sufficiently met.

solution: eat the rich.


Also, this quote: (used to explain the style of proof used)
“Once Grothendieck said that there were two ways of cracking a nutshell. One way was to crack it in one breath by using a nutcracker. Another way was to soak it in a large amount of water, to soak, to soak, and to soak, then it cracked by itself. Grothendieck’s mathematics is the latter one.”

I feel it ought to be obligatory to ask people applying for pure maths jobs how they would go about cracking walnuts  – I have a friend who’d answer immediately “Do I have access to a hand grenade?”. Here are some responses:

Inspired by Grothendieck’s example, Moshizuki invents a solvent which will dissolve the shell – only the shell – of a walnut. Unfortunately the solvent is opaque, so no-one can see whether it worked, and everyone is too scared to stick their fingers in in case they get burned off.

Archimedes lived before the invention of nutcrackers, so he creates his own primitive one. He tells everyone he used a really big rock because the Sycarusians are scared of mechanical devices.

In Fermat’s house are found a pile of uncracked walnuts and a note saying “The nuts from this tree are delicious, try some yourself”. After some examination the shells of the nuts are determined to be comprised of a strange substance thousands of times harder than steel.

Newton and Liebniz get into a fist fight over who invented the nutcracker.

Erdos claims that God owns an extremely heavy book, which, when dropped, can crush even the hardest of walnuts.

The folks at MIRI decide that the best way to crack a nut is to shave away the shell using a nail file, leaving a perfect unblemished whole walnut. Right now they are designing the perfect nail file.


I think there’s a really unfortunate trend in people’s thinking that like, belonging to a marginalized or oppressed group makes you an ethically better person (either generally or individually) and like that sort of moralism is really unhelpful to any discussion and also doesn’t track into reality. It also results in like, someone’s status as an oppressed person being revoked by their individual moral failings, which obviously makes no actual sense








TIL that some people can voluntarily control the tensor tympani, a muscle within the ear. Contracting these muscles produces vibration and sound. The sound is usually described as a rumbling sound.

via reddit.com

This drove me crazy for a while, because I can do it- but I didn’t know what it was and I couldn’t figure out how to describe the rumbling sound in my ears. It usually happens when I shut my eyes super tight. Glad to see that I’m not alone, and that there’s a good explanation of what it is!

can everyone not do this??? i thought that hearing a rumbling static noise from the muscles in your ears when you squeezed your face shut really hard was universal

I can do it but I don’t know why

this is a thing, but I have not been thinking of it as sound.

fucking weird, there’s a name for the thing that happens when i itch or tense certain things & my ears do the thing

I can also use it to pop my ears when I’m changing altitudes! it’s kind of like ear kegels. just sitting there silently, flexing my ear muscles.



This might be my favorite cardboard-crack ever because it just phrases this situation so well wow it’s so applicable to so many situations I mean you can replace “playing a game” with anything (watching a movie, reading a comic, etc.,) and it carries over and just tears apart one of the most annoying dismissive arguments i hear wow yes