
hey……hey comcast and all yall running this shitty net neutrality thing….

Now, I know it’s hard, to stop being shitty for at least 1 minute, but hear me out

Did you KNOW? Some people, and this is gonna blow your mind, some people CAN’T LEAVE THEIR HOMES???

It could be for physical or mental reasons, it may not even be that at all

But here’s a list of things you will be taking away from people because you need more cash:

Online Schooling (This includes the kids you claim to be so worried about)

Online Work (This isn’t just for you artists doing commissions out there, there are many types of work you can do online.)

Applying for Applications online (which, if you DO get to go out, you know everyone will tell you to just apply online

Grocery Shopping (Yes! People use online services to go grocery shopping sometimes, sometimes they have to shop like that ALL THE TIME)

Contacting Loved Ones (1.Some of us out here have to make a choice on whether we get internet or phone, if you were home schooled like I was and poor, internet comes first over phone. So…yknow…internet would be a means of contacting loved ones without a phone. 2. Did you know if you do not have time on your phone, but you have wifi, you can contact your families still depending on the phone? If you have access to things like facebook, email, or some sort of social media on your phone, and wifi, you will be able to use those things depending on the phone.) 

Like, I’m not sure if you believe threatening people who really need access to the internet is going to make them pay more? But let me be the first to tell you, fear isnt going to change the amount of money in our pockets. If it did, I’d be rich. 




Someone should make a browser extension that changes every instance of “baby boomers” into “bourgeoisie” and every instance of “millennials” into “proletariat”

To clarify for anyone who needs clarification:

I’m saying a lot of y’all misattribute values, political leanings, behavior, and status to age cohorts instead of rightfully attributing it to class.

The problem isn’t a divide between young and old, it’s a divide between the ruling class and the working poor. And a lot of the statements made about boomers and millennials are just inaccurate euphemistic distractions from what could be oppprtunities in developing class consciousness.

So I went ahead and made the addon, you can download it for Chrome here

Or here:

It’s already proven to be incredibly accurate:







God @ northern liberals w that “southerners deserve natural disasters for voting for trump” as if there aren’t a ton of poor people and people of color and other vulnerable people.. y’all think it’s the rich republicans that will die if a hurricane hits Florida??? Naw so shut the fuck up

Listen this is why gerrymandering is such a massive, massive problem down here in the south.

Texas has been slowly becoming a Latinx majority state for decades. You wouldn’t know it by the way Texas votes because gerrymandering exists. Rich southern conservatives always win the votes because of this. (Lack of decent education doesn’t help.)

Worst of all, they try to teach us in school that the federal government bullies the state by making the state submit its redistricting plans for approval before redistricting can take place.

In reality, it’s because the gerrymandering would get even worse if the state was allowed to do as it pleased.

Gerrymandering and voter suppression are why the south looks the way it does in elections. The south is poor and more diverse than a significant part of the rest of the country, and all of the marginalized people get thrown under the bus by the whole country and by both parties.

So yeah when you wish bad things on the south, you’re being pretty indescribably shitty because let me tell you, the south already has “bad things” happen in significant amounts.

adding that you can learn about how gerrymandering words from john olivers segement here:

id always known it was Bad and a problem, but this video explains the complications so well

Texas is so Gerrymandered that it should have AT LEAST 4 more Democrats (and 4 less Republicans), and that’s only based on the people who are allowed to vote with our super strict voter registration and ID laws. We have one district that goes along I-35 from North San Antonio to about few miles south of my apartment in North Austin, packing thousands of minority voters into a single Democratic seat creating at least 3 more Repulican seats in what is in reality a very Democratic area.